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Friday 30 December 2016

Stevia Coffee for men (Health Coffee) What is Stevia?

First, What is Stevia?

Leaves of the stevia plant are used to make a sugar substitute.

                              Health benefits of stevia
For Diabetes

Research has shown that stevia sweeteners do not contribute calories or carbohydrates to the diet and do not affect blood glucose or insulin response, which allows people with diabetes to consume a wider variety of foods and comply with a healthful meal plan.
Weight Control

The causes of overweight and obesity are multifactorial and include factors such as physical inactivity, prolonged sitting, and increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat and added sugars.
The intake of added sugars has been shown to contribute an average of 16 percent of the total calories in the American diet and has been linked to weight gain and adverse effects on glycemic control.
Plant-based, zero calorie stevia can be part of a well-balanced diet to help reduce energy intake without sacrificing taste.
Steviol glycosides are poorly absorbed in the body and pass through the upper gastrointestinal tract fully intact. Once steviol glycosides reach the colon, gut bacteria convert steviol glycosides into steviol. Steviol is then metabolized by the liver before being excreted in the urine.
Research has shown that there is no accumulation of stevia (or any byproduct of stevia) in the body during metabolism. It is because of this poor absorption in the digestive tract that stevia has zero calories and does not raise blood glucose or insulin levels when digested.
Blood Pressure
Certain glycosides in stevia extract have been found to dilate blood vessels, increase sodium excretion, and urine output. In higher doses, stevia could potentially help lower blood pressureThe plant may have cardiotonic actions, which normalize blood pressure and regulate heartbeat.

Is Stevia Safe?????
Stevioside, the main glycoside of stevia, was found to be nontoxic in acute toxicity studies in a variety of laboratory animals.
No major contraindications, warnings, or adverse reactions have been documented.
In 2008, the FDA declared that stevia was safe in foods and beverages. The U.S. may see numerous companies incorporate it into their products since there is considerable consumer interest in natural, low-, or no-calorie sweeteners.
Studies clearly support the safety of stevia sweeteners. Further, clinical studies showed that steviol glycosides, meeting purity criteria established by the JECFA, have no effect on either blood pressure or blood glucose response, indicating stevia sweeteners are safe for use by individuals with diabetes.
Based on the wealth of published research, independent scientific experts in both the US and globally have concluded that stevia sweeteners are safe for people of all ages and populations and an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of 4 milligrams per kilogram body weight has been established.
The majority of scientific research on stevia uses high purity stevia extracts. Confusion had resulted in the past when research conclusions about stevia were drawn based on studies testing crude stevia extracts.
Around the world, stevia is listed differently due to regulations from country to country. This is because different countries have their own established food policies on stevia and labeling policies vary.


What Stevia Products we have ???

We do provide Stevia to replace normal sugar for diabetes and anyone who need replace sugar.
Kindly mention (Sugar FREE Coffee) to us IF you need Stevia coffee.
Stevia Bio Herbs Coffee

Sugar Free Bio herbs coffee

Tuesday 27 December 2016



Eurycoma Longifolia Jack is the herb name for what is more commonly known as Tongkat Ali, Malaysian Ginseng, or Longjack.
Eurycoma (Tongkat Ali, LongJack) is a pro-fertility agent and aphrodisiac that appears to have a large body of evidence supporting this role and some evidence suggesting it may be an anti-estrogen and pro-erectile agent. terone boosting.

The root of Eurycoma Longifolia itself contains several chemicals that have different effects in the body. Some of the chemicals seem to affect how the body produces the hormone testosterone. Research in animals and humans suggests it might increase testosterone in the body.
In addition to the aphrodisiac effects, Eurycoma can also increase sperm production and may directly act as a proerectile agent. At least one molecule in Eurycoma (9-hydroxycanthin-6-one) is associated with both a delay in ejaculation as well as pro-erectile properties (although the ability of this molecule to act via consuming Eurycoma extract is not known).


Tongkat Ali as a Potential Testosterone Booster

The active ingredients claimed to increase testosterone include steroidal saponins and eurycomanone. There’s also some aphrodisiac pro-erectile compounds in the herb such as Canthin-6-one metabolites and derivatives of Squalene.
Tongkat Ali has a huge reputation as a pro-erectile testosterone booster and if you’ve been reading any of the men’s health sites of the 20th century, you’ve had to stumble upon the herb few times by now…
a) The researchers at this randomized double-blind placebo study had 109 men as their test subjects. They gave half of these men 300 mg’s of freeze dried Tongkat Ali extract, and the other half got placebo. The abstract cites that the study went on for 6+ months.
The results showed that after 12 weeks there was significant increases in semen motility (+44%) and volume (+18%) in the Tongkat Ali Group. The test group also had significantly higher scores in the Erectile Function domain in (IIEF) questionnaire and noted significant improvements in libido when compared to the placebo group.
b) In this peer-reviewed study that appeared in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2013, the researchers had 62 moderately stressed subjects.
They gave half of their subjects a standardized hot-water extract of Tongkat Ali for the duration of 4 weeks, and the other half received a placebo.
The results showed that in the Tongkat Ali group there was significant improvements in tension (-11%), anger (-12%), confusion (-15%), cortisol (-16%), and testosterone (+37%).
Albeit this is the most promising study about Tongkat Ali so far, the effects would still need to be studied more on healthy men with no stress.
c) This study had 76 male subjects who suffered from late onset hypogonadism (low testosterone). The researchers gave these men 200 mg of a standardised water-soluble extract of Tongkat Ali for the period of 1 month.
The results showed a staggering 46% increase in total testosterone levels and remarkably 90,1% of the subjects were able to normalize their testosterone levels back inside the reference range.
d) Animal studies seem to show that Tongkat Ali has a pro-erectile testosterone boosting effect on rats.

Tongkat Ali Itself Contain Chemical??????

Eurycoma longifolia Jack is a well-known traditional plant of Malaysia. It is popularly recognised as ‘Tongkat Ali’. 
           The present study deals with the preliminary phytochemical screening and determination of antimicrobial activity of methanol, acetone, ethyl acetate, chloroform and petroleum ether extracts of the stem and root of E. longifolia

The extracts were tested against two gram positive bacteria, three gram negative bacteria and one fungus by the disc diffusion method at various concentrations (12.5–200 Î¼g/μl). The results revealed the presence of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, protein and cardiac glycosides in the extracts. Stem extracts were found to be a rich source of phytochemicals as compared to the root extracts. 

            All the extracts exhibited dose dependent antimicrobial activity, however, highest antibacterial activity was observed against gram positive bacteria by both stem and root extracts. Nevertheless, stem extracts were more potent than root extracts against Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus. Merely, ethyl acetate extract of the stem showed moderate activity against gram negative bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and high activity against fungus, Aspergillus niger. The preliminary studies on Eurycoma longifolia extracts exhibited their antimicrobial potential which could be exploited further as future antimicrobials for pharmaceutical treatment, natural therapies, food preservation and cosmetic applications.

A wide range of chemical compounds have been isolated, especially from the root of Eurycoma Longifolia (Tongkat Ali), which include eurycomanone, eurycomanol, eurycomalactone, canthine-6-one alkaloid, 9-hydroxycanthin-6-one, 14,15β-dihydroxyklaineanone, phenolic components, tannins, quanissoids, and triterpenes. Due to the presence of these chemical compounds, the root has been reported to have effective medicinal values in terms of sexual enhancement property for males, as well as antipyretic, antimalarial, antibacterial, and antitumor properties Eurycoma Longifolia has been well documented to exert antioxidative properties due to its high concentrations of superoxide dismutase (SOD)

Eurycoma Longifolia  is famously known for its aphrodisiac effect (DEFINITION AS BELOW), which is due to its ability to stimulate the production or action of androgen hormones, especially testosterone. Hence, it can be used as an alternative for testosterone replacement therapy  in a variety of related conditions, for example, in the treatment of male osteoporosis due to androgen deficiency.

Thursday 22 December 2016

Erectile Dysfunction/ Impotence ?What to do?

What’s causing your erectile dysfunction? Is it an emotional issue, or are there medical reasons?
Erectile dysfunction is a physical condition, but it can be triggered by a man's medical, mental, or emotional issues. WebMD looks at the causes of ED.
It's not always a case of mind over matter.
A side effect of some medications can be erectile dysfunction.  Read on, you may need to check your medicine cabinet.
Most of us know by now that smoking is bad for the lungs, being overweight is bad for the heart, and stress can lead to headaches and anxiety. But, did you know that all of these factors can also cause erectile dysfunction?

What our Products help?
·         Reduce Stress

·         Increase energy

·         Strengthen Physical Fitness And Ability

·         Restoring Energy 

·         Strengthen Body

·         Anti -Aging

·         Increase Libido And Achieve

·         Stronger Erections


Wednesday 21 December 2016

Guarana benefit for men


Medical Testing
Testing has been limited and most tests have been done on rats. In rats Guarana improved memory retention and also increased physical endurance, there have been limited tests on small human samples which produced the same results.
Side Effects
The side effects which Guarana can have are the same as coffee and include – nervousness, irritability, insomnia and vomiting, stomach irritation, nausea and just like coffee, it can produce a dependency on both a mental and physical level. Finally, just like coffee, Guarana is considered a safe supplement for most people to eat or drink.