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Thursday 4 May 2017

Honey Benefit For Men - What can save you from ED?

According to a recent report on the prevalence of couple infertility in the U.S., approximately 9 – 14% of men are experiencing fertility problemsIt is estimated that erectile dysfunction (ED) affects 18 million men in the United States alone. Low sperm count and decreased sperm mobility is the leading cause of male infertility and may be a result of poor health and/or external factors. 
The causes are numerous, and can be psychological or physical in nature, or a combination of the two. Common physical causes include diseases such diabetes, kidney disease, neurological disorders and prostate cancer. But the list doesn’t end there. Other causes include surgery, injury, hormonal imbalances, prostate enlargement, prescription drug use (in fact, more than 200 types of prescription drugs may cause ED), and tobacco,smoking, alcohol or drug use.

Because fertility clinics frequently advise men to make healthy dietary and lifestyle choices to increase their fertility, we have to ask: could drinking honey help? 
To see if there is any truth to this, here is what studies have to say on this topic.

Suffering from low libido or reduced stamina during sex? Well, the bees can help you with this. Honey extracted from aphrodisiac flowers like jasmine and orchid can increase the potency in a man. The wonderful sweetness of honey in bed also takes its place in guides like the Kamasutra. Even the word honeymoon came up from an ancient practice of love when couples would go into seclusion and take the magical honey drink and it was believed it would increase their sexual desire and prowess. And we guess the ancients were right. The honey base is full of a mineral called boron which is known to boost testosterone while metabolizing oestrogen.
Honey is a natural sweetener that means it would not lead you to any disease.

Honey as a Fertility Miracle

Honey is not as controversial for the subject of fertility treatment as milk. In fact, most research on honey has found this antioxidant-packed food may be the perfect treatment for male infertility. One study examined the protective effects of honey on rats with cigarette smoke-induced testicular damage. The study’s findings were that honey was quite efficient in protecting sperm count and mobility. Honey is also a rich source of zinc which is a trace mineral that plays a huge role in male reproductive health. A study published in Nutrition Research even found that fertile men exhibited higher semen concentrations of this mineral even when they were smokers. Another study found that adding honey to semen taken from infertile men for the purpose of freezing resulted in better sperm quality post thawing.
Honey is associated with love and sex in both the Bible and the Karma Sutra. At traditional Indian weddings, the bridegroom is often offered honey to boost his stamina - and it could do the same for all men.

Best not to feed to infants. Spores of Clostridium botulinum have been found in a small percentage of honey in North America. This is not dangerous to adults and older children, but infants can have a serious reaction of illness in the first year. Do not add honey to baby food or use as a soother to quiet a fussy or colicky baby. Most Canadian honey is not contaminated with the bacteria causing infant botulism, but it’s still best not to take the chance. “Do not let babies eat honey,” states, a web site of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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